
All graphical assets in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you’d like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.


All photography is sourced from Unsplash and Pexels. You can view our collection here


This template uses Phosphor Icon and Iconly and they're open source packs.


This template uses General sans. This font is free for commercial use.

General sans

So what are you waiting on?

Jumping in line and trying CustomerBot  won't cost you a penny nor does CustomerBot want to harm you or you  
DraftBot has launched in production.
No other AI content generation platform compares to DraftBot, It's ability to generate AI-based content in a plethora of ways. So many ways, our users are inventing new ways every single day.
Have you seen our other AI platforms?
CustomerBot and DraftBot are just two of DotBot's growing legion of AI toolsets and micro AI-powered software solutions that are helping automate companies each and every day.